We are Strategic | Facilitators | Adaptable | Ethical | Responsive | Creative | Learning | Quality | Fun

Capacity Development International (CDI) is a UK-based consultancy company,
specialising in developing the potential of individuals and institutions
to strengthen health services and systems in low and middle-income countries.

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Some of our work

Highlighted Projects

Professional Certificate Course in International Health Consultancy
Putting Quality at the heart of Community Health: SQALE Programme
Supporting the European ESTHER Alliance
Supporting Oxfam Ireland’s Development Programme in Africa
Evaluations of Institutional Health Partnerships
Bespoke Training for Health Professionals


Dr David Weakliam, Chair, European ESTHER Alliance

I was greatly impressed with the evaluation undertaken by CDI for the European ESTHER Alliance, involving our 12 Member countries and our many partner institutions in Europe and developing countries. The evaluation was thorough and conducted professionally. The quality of analysis and reporting they brought to this complex task was excellent and provided a clear context and direction for developing our strategic plan.

Professor Val Waas, Chair, International Committee, RCGP

I was truly impressed by (i) their thoughtful,  detailed comprehensive  preparation, (ii)  the structured and robust evidence based frameworks employed for the evaluation, (iii) the consistent high standard of sensitive and culturally aware interviewing (iv)an excellent analysis using defensible methodology and  (v) a very high standard of report with deliverable recommendations.  Interestingly all stakeholders felt their voice had been heard and the sound defensible synthesis of views has proved an excellent platform for development.

Arjan de Wagt, HIV & AIDS Coordinator, UNICEF NAMIBIA

Thanks to your superb leadership and facilitation the stakeholders meeting was excellent and major steps have been made towards addressing most pertinent challenges in rolling out quality and relevant HCT in Namibia. It was one of the best strategy meetings I have attended.

Dr Amana Effiong, Postgraduate Course in International Health Consultancy Alumni

Your course curriculum, teaching methods and participant selection is top notch and I commend the great work that you and your colleagues do.  It was truly a well spent three weeks as I oftentimes walk away from professional development activities feeling shortchanged.  I will stay in touch and I do hope that we will find cause to collaborate professionally.